The Orchards

Our orchards

Plunkett Orchards grows a wide range of high quality fruit varieties across approximately 580 acres (235 ha) of orchards.

Our fruits are a mix of traditional and new varieties that are picked between November and May each year, with new varieties regularly under cultivation.

Our varieties include:

  • Pears– Packham Triumph, Williams Bon Chretian, Howell, Corella and Josephine
  • Apples– Granny Smith, Pink Lady, Gala, Sundowner, Kanzi and Rocket
  • Peaches– Yellow canning varieties: T204
  • Apricots– Trevatt

Best practice

Orchard management is based on best management practices and knowledge that has been generated over more than 125 years.

Crop protection is based on the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, to minimise the use of chemicals and encourage the natural control of problem insects and mites, by encouraging natural predators.

Irrigation is computer controlled to optimise the amount of water used, and organic matter is applied each year to improve soil structure and fertility. The orchard is laid out around existing native vegetation and new native planting is undertaken wherever possible.

New orchard planting innovations are introduced every season, with modern tree architecture incorporating 2D design introduced to enable the use of semi automated work platforms to greatly reduce manual labour.  Climate change challenges are being addressed by the inclusion of overhead misting for cooling, and erection of hail netting to both shield from storms and to provide sunburn and heat damage protection.